Understanding fast-paced, native Swedish can be hard. Especially when all you have to rely on is a 328-day DuoLingo streak and a few hours of SFI.
Slow Swedish bridges that gap and helps you practice your understanding and speaking in a fun, relaxed way.
hej, kompis!
If you are sick of grammar, rules, and boring classes, you're in the right place.
Once I realized that the content available for people learning Swedish was either interesting but way too advanced or simple and about as fun as watching paint dry, I started Slow Swedish.
And now we're here!
My Swedish has improved massively, thanks to Katrin’s Slow Swedish.
only on patreon:
Improve your understanding by listening to the Patreon exclusive Slow Swedish podcast! This is the perfect way to practice on the go, every day of the week.
Mondays: Vocabulary 1
Tuesdays: Vocabulary 2
Wednesdays: Expressions
Thursdays: Episode in slow Swedish
Fridays: Episode in normal Swedish